Network of Education Associations of Tasmania (NEAT)
Child and Youth Safe Standards:
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
The Network of Education Associations of Tasmania (NEAT) is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safeguarding children and youth in its provision of services specifically for children, facilities for use by children and youth, and/or engaging children and youth as volunteers to assist the associations in providing services, facilities, and goods.
A commitment to the Tasmanian Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework
The Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework established by the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 (Tas) comprises the 10 Child and Youth Safe Standards, complemented by a Universal Principle embedding Aboriginal Cultural Safety, and a Reportable Conduct Scheme. This Scheme has an independent oversight by an Independent Regulator. The Framework defines the obligations of any organization or association to promote the wellbeing of children and young people and uphold their right to safety from all forms of harm in institutional settings.
NEAT is committed to promoting the Child and Youth Safe Standards for the network of education associations in Tasmania, where children and young people are safe, feel safe, and their voices are heard about activities and services that affect their lives. Specific attention is paid to the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people, all children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children and young people with a disability.
The objective in this policy is to provide information support to NEAT member associations and their management committees to uphold the safeguarding standards and Tasmania’s regulatory framework in the design and management of educational programs, events and services which include or are accessed by children and young people.
The purpose of this policy is to assist management committees, associates or volunteers, contractors, and employees of NEAT Member Associations:
- prevent child abuse at any events or in any programs,
- maintain an organizational culture of child and youth safety,
- ensure that all parties are aware of their responsibilities for establishing controls and procedures for preventing abuse and/or detecting abuse when it occurs,and
- provide information and guidance to volunteers, contractors or employees regarding any reportable conduct, or action that should be taken where they suspect any abuse within or outside of the
All management committee directors, employees, contractors, volunteers, and associates have a shared responsibility for the care and protection of children and reporting information concerning child abuse.
NEAT supports and respects all children, youth, staff and volunteers. Child protection is a responsibility shared between all directors, employees, workers, contractors, associates, and volunteer members of the NEAT community.
NEAT is committed to assisting education associations in Tasmania prevent child abuse and harm resulting from discrimination based on disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, intersex status, gender identity or sexual orientation.
NEAT member associations must apply all 10 Child and Youth Safe Standards in order to ensure that the right to cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people embodies this ‘universal principle’ in action as it was designed, in consultation with local Aboriginal organisations.
NEAT is committed to promoting and protecting the interests of children and young people involved in its delivery of services, programs and events. All children and youth, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to protection from abuse.
NEAT is committed to the Universal Principle for Aboriginal Cultural Safety, those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children living with a disability.
Reporting a concern
If there is an emergency, or you or someone else is in danger, then call Triple Zero (000) immediately. If a person’s conduct is considered criminal, contact Tasmania Police on 131 444.
The Reportable Conduct Scheme webform requires leaders of an organisation use to:
- notify the Independent Regulator within three business day, in writing, of being made aware of a reportable conduct
- start an investigation as soon as possible
- provide detailed information, after 30 days, on the progress of their investigation
- provide a final report after completing their investigation.
Anyone can make a report, but the leader of an organisation is legally required to report a concern they are made aware of. If you are not a leader of an organisation, but want to make a report about a workers conduct, contact us.
Child Safe Standards
The 10 Standards mirror the 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and endorsed by all Commonwealth, State and Territory governments to reflect the child safe standards recommended by the Royal Commission. The scope of the standards encompass all forms of harm to children and young people, in addition to child sexual abuse.
Standard 1 requires organisations to ensure that child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance, and culture.
Standard 2 ensures that children and young people are informed about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
Standard 3 ensures families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
Standard 4 guarantees that equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and in practice.
Standard 5 requires that people working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
Standard 6 requires processes to response to complaints and concerns to be child-focused.
Standard 7 expects that staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
Standard 8 requires physical and online environments to promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
Standard 9 sees regular review and improvement of the child and youth safe standards within organisation.
Standard 10 ensures that policies and procedures document how the entity is safe for children and young people.
The ‘overarching principle’ embeds the right of Aboriginal children and young people to cultural safety sits across all 10 Child and Youth Safe Standards.
Interim compliance guidance for organisations
This interim compliance guidance (PDF, 1.2 MB) is designed to support organisations to enact the Child and Youth Safe Standards and Universal Principle for Aboriginal Cultural Safety. It has been developed by the Department of Justice in consultation with local subject matter experts and interstate counterparts.
Explainer resources
- Introducing Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework (PDF, 673.0 KB) steps through the main elements of the Framework and is designed to be a useful starting point for organisations.
- The Aboriginal Cultural Safety Short Guide (PDF, 951.6 KB) steps through the main elements of the Universal Principle for Aboriginal Cultural Safety and how organisations can work to be culturally safe.
- Introduction Tour (PDF, 2.3 MB) – PowerPoint for organisations to be introduced to the Office of the Independent Regulator, the Child and Youth Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme
Information sheets
- The Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework (PDF, 190.2 KB)
- The Child and Youth Safe Standards (PDF, 253.2 KB)
- The Reportable Conduct Scheme (PDF, 169.7 KB)
- Reportable Conduct (PDF, 172.3 KB)
- The Independent Regulator (PDF, 173.7 KB)
- Third party contact centre guidance. (PDF, 183.7 KB)
Request Training
You can request specific training by completing the Training form.
When requesting a topic / session, could you also consider if training is provided by a jurisdiction or sector, where the training could be delivered (Online / In Person), venue, time / date and how many attendees you may be able to bring to the session.
A3 posters
- The Child and Youth Safe Standards A3 Poster (PDF, 290.5 KB) displays the 10 Child and Youth Safe Standards and the Universal Principle for Aboriginal Cultural Safety and explains what they mean.
- The Reportable Conduct Scheme Process A3 Poster (PDF, 153.5 KB) displays the key stages of the Reportable Conduct Scheme in action, as reflected in the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.
- The Reporting pathways A3 Poster (PDF, 73.0 KB) provides a high-level summary of how the Reportable Conduct Scheme differs from other existing reporting schemes
Easy Read
- This Easy Read information sheet (PDF, 716.9 KB)summarises key elements of the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.
Seeking help?
Anyone affected by, or with concerns about, child sexual abuse or other types of child abuse to access advice and support.
- For information about child wellbeing and safety, contact
Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line:- Phone: 1800 000 123
- For free and confidential support for people who have been affected by sexual violence, contact the Tasmanian Sexual Assault Support Line (24 hour response state-wide):
- Phone: 1800 697 877
- This line is run by the Sexual Assault Support Service in the South, and Laurel House in the North West.
- For information and support for children, young people and adults affected by family violence, contact
Family Violence Counselling and Support Service:- Phone: 1800 608 122
- For free and confidential support for people impacted by crime, contact Victims of Crime Service:
- Phone: 1300 300 238
- For support for relationships and to live positive lives, contact Relationships Australia Tasmania:
- Phone: 1300 364 277
- For culturally appropriate, trauma-informed legal and non-legal services and assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims/survivors of family violence and sexual assault, contact SIS.
- Phone: 1800 747 827
Source and acknowledgements
Tasmania. Department of Justice
Interim compliance guidance for organisations Hobart: Department of Justice 2023 Available at
Acknowledgement of country
In recognition of the deep history and culture of this Island, we acknowledge Tasmanian Aboriginal people, the original and continuing Custodians of the Land, Sea and Sky. We acknowledge and pay our respects to all Tasmanian Aboriginal people, all of whom have survived invasion and dispossession, and continue to maintain their identity, culture and Aboriginal rights.